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Purpose Filled Life With Connie Sokol

Aug 21, 2019

Now it's about the momma. Want to get a handle on self-care, laundry, routines, and more? You got it. This woman lives it, loves it (most days), and has the most chill and realistic ways of sharing it. Put up your feet, grab a lemonade, and ease into fall and motherhood...

Aug 17, 2019

It's here--and you're already feeling it. But stress no more! This mother of nine (yeah) and down to earth gal pal dishes it fast and fabulous. How to do homework, clothes, daily dos, emotional readiness, and more. Get set for school with joy and calm!

Aug 8, 2019

Self-esteem can be a hot button topic. But what is it really, and how do we healthily develop it, within ourselves and our children? Learn how to distinguish the positive identification of self and the negative "selfie" focus. And where compassion, truth, and good works fit into this. Know how to help your children...

Aug 3, 2019

Ever been at life low and wondered how you'd make it out, never mind achieve your lifelong dreams? Author Jenni James has been there and done that. Seriously. Her amazing story of leaving an abusive marriage, forging ahead with her writing dream, ultimately penning 50 books and a heart-touching, soul-inspiring ride....